
Tobias Mancke has quickly become one of the top headjoint makers in the world, and for good reason - his headjoints display some of the most exquisite, detailed craftsmanship extant. Mancke, a past apprentice of fellow headjoint maker Dana Sheridan, specializes in combinations. Every Mancke headjoint features amalgamations of materials and innovative cuts designed to enhance paricular aspects of tonal flexbility, range, and color, providing a huge range of dynamic and tonal possibilities to choose from. Every headjoint is also a work of fine art, with unsurpassed finish quality and detail.

Mancke flute headjoints are almost infinitely customizable - and infinitely varied. A silver tube might be paired with a cocuswood lip plate, a gold riser, and a gold crown - or it might be all silver, all the way through. A wooden grendilla headjoint might have a gold tenon and a platinum riser, or it might be simple wood for that solid, earthy sound. Each mixed or pure combination brings its own qualities to the table.

Mancke piccolo headjoints are designed to fit nearly all piccolos, regardless of brand. Custom adapter sleeves, sized for dozens of brands, allow the piccolo player to select a unique, highly responsive headjoint in the same way a player selects a flute headjoint.

The Carolyn Nussbaum Music Company is proud to offer the largest selection of Mancke headjoints in the United States.

SKU Product name   Price    
USEDMNH255XXXXXX Headjoint - Mancke Sterling silver with Platinum riser (Pre-Owned)
  • $3,400.00
USEDMPH319XXXXXX Headjoint (Piccolo) - Mancke Pink Ivory Medium Wave (Pre-Owned)
  • $900.00
MNH14K Mancke Flute Headjoint - 14k Gold
  • $9,480.00
MNH14KCBXXXXXXXX Mancke Flute Headjoint - 14k Gold / Cocobolo Lip Plate and Riser
  • $8,180.00
MNH14KCOCUSXXXXX Mancke Flute Headjoint - 14k Gold / Cocuswood Lip Plate and Riser
  • $8,310.00
MNH14KGR Mancke Flute Headjoint - 14k Gold / Grenadilla Lip Plate and Riser
  • $8,000.00
MNH14KKINGXXXXXX Mancke Flute Headjoint - 14k Gold / Kingwood Lip Plate and Riser
  • $8,250.00
MNH14KMP Mancke Flute Headjoint - 14k Gold / Mopane Wood Lip and Riser
  • $8,000.00
MNH14KPIXXXXXXXX Mancke Flute Headjoint - 14k Gold / Pink Ivory Lip Plate and Riser
  • $8,150.00
MNH18k Mancke Flute Headjoint - 18k Gold
  • $11,070.00
MNH9k Mancke Flute Headjoint - 9k Gold
  • $8,290.00
MNH9KCOXXXXXXXXX Mancke Flute Headjoint - 9k Gold / Cocobolo Lip and Riser
  • $7,280.00
MNH9KCOCUSXXXXXX Mancke Flute Headjoint - 9k Gold / Cocuswood Lip and Riser
  • $7,410.00
MNH9KGRXXXXXXXXX Mancke Flute Headjoint - 9k Gold / Grenadilla Lip and Riser
  • $7,100.00
MNH9KKINGXXXXXXX Mancke Flute Headjoint - 9k Gold / Kingwood Lip and Riser
  • $7,350.00
MNH9KPIXXXXXXXXX Mancke Flute Headjoint - 9k Gold / Pink Ivory Lip and Riser
  • $7,250.00
MNHOLIVE Mancke Flute Headjoint - African Olive Wood
  • $2,700.00
MNHCOCOB Mancke Flute Headjoint - Cocobolo
  • $2,850.00
MNHCOCUSXXXXXXXX Mancke Flute Headjoint - Cocuswood
  • $3,090.00
MNHGREN Mancke Flute Headjoint - Grenadilla Wood
  • $2,550.00
Items: 120 of 54