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Andersen, J :: Drei Kadenzen zum Mozart Konzert Nr. 2 KV 314 [Three Cadenzas for Mozart Concerto No. 2 KV 314]
Drei Kadenzen zum Mozart Konzert Nr. 2 KV 314 [Three Cadenzas for Mozart Concerto No. 2 KV 314]
Andersen, J
Barrere, G :: Mozart: Cadenzas for Concerto in D Major (K. 314K)
Mozart: Cadenzas for Concerto in D Major (K. 314K)
Barrere, G
George Barrere presents his cadenzas for Mozart's Concerto in D Major. Published by Galaxy Music in conjunction with EC Schirmer.
Barrere, G :: Mozart: Cadenzas for Concerto in G Major (K. 313K)
Mozart: Cadenzas for Concerto in G Major (K. 313K)
Barrere, G
George Barrere presents his cadenzas for Mozart's Concerto in G Major. Published by Galaxy Music in conjunction with EC Schirmer.
Berio, L :: Kadenzen KV 314 [Cadenzas KV 314]
Kadenzen KV 314 [Cadenzas KV 314]
Berio, L
This volume from The Flute Collection provides a practical solution to the search for the perfect cadenza. It allows flautists to display their virtuosity using an idea of Luciano Berio. He wrote this cadenza in 1985 on behalf of the then solo flautist at La Scala, Milan.
Emmanuel Pahud published and revised it making it another precious puzzle piece in the boundless flute repertoire.
Bresser, J :: Cadenzas for Flute Concerto in G major by Quantz
Cadenzas for Flute Concerto in G major by Quantz
Bresser, J
Cadenzas for J.J. Quantz's Flute Concerto in G major.
D'Alessandro, R :: Candences pour le concerto de flute, en Sol, de Mozart K. 313 [Cadenzas for the Concerto in G major by Mozart K. 313]
Candences pour le concerto de flute, en Sol, de Mozart K. 313 [Cadenzas for the Concerto in G major by Mozart K. 313]
D'Alessandro, R
Cadenzas for the Mozart Flute Concerto in G major KV. 313
Donjon, J :: Cadences pour le Concerto en re de Mozart [Cadenzas for the Concerto in D major by Mozart]
Cadences pour le Concerto en re de Mozart [Cadenzas for the Concerto in D major by Mozart]
Donjon, J
Cadenzas for the Mozart Concerto in D major K. 314.
Donjon, J :: Three Cadenzas for Flute Concerto in D major K. 314
Three Cadenzas for Flute Concerto in D major K. 314
Donjon, J
Three Cadenzas for Mozart's Flute Concerto in D major K. 314
Donjon, J; Andersen, J :: Two Sets of 3 Cadenzas (for Mozart's Flute Concerto in D Major, K. 314)
Two Sets of 3 Cadenzas (for Mozart's Flute Concerto in D Major, K. 314)
Donjon, J; Andersen, J
6 Cadenzas for Mozart's D Major Flute Concerto: 3 by Donjon and 3 by Andersen.
Feltkamp, JH :: Cadenzen voor het Concert in D majeur van Haydn [Cadenzas for the Concerto in D major by Haydn]
Cadenzen voor het Concert in D majeur van Haydn [Cadenzas for the Concerto in D major by Haydn]
Feltkamp, JH
Candenzas for Joseph Haydn's D major Flute Concerto.
Flothuis, M :: Cadensen [Cadenzas]
Marius Flothuis presents his cadenzas for Mozart's Flute Concertos in G and D (KV 313 and 314) and the Andante in C (KV 315).
Flothuis, M :: Cadenzas for Mozart's Concerto in C major (K.V. 299)
Cadenzas for Mozart's Concerto in C major (K.V. 299)
Flothuis, M
Holliger, H :: Kadenzen [Cadenzas]: Concerto for Flute and Harp, C Major KV 299
Kadenzen [Cadenzas]: Concerto for Flute and Harp, C Major KV 299
Holliger, H
For decades the legendary harpist Ursula Holliger performed these cadenzas to Mozart's popular flute harp concerto with renowned flutists such as Peter-Lukas Graf and Aurele Nicolet. They are now available for the first time as a sheet music edition.
From the Preface: 'Improvised and also composed solo cadenzas, normally occurring towards the end of a bravura aria or an instrumental concerto movement, have existed since the late 16th century. They provide the performer with an opportunity for self-presentation in the form of a free style of playing or singing, based on themes and motifs from previous sections of the movement. Solo cadenzas are for the most part introduced by a six-four chord help by the orchestra; the soloist then begins a protracting interpolation in free style, subsequently culminating on the dominant chord, usually with a trill.
Wheras originally composers left solo cadenzas to be freely improvised, from the middle of the 19th century onwards they were frequently specifically written out. The increasing abuse of cadenzas as a mere display of free virtuosity, ignoring style and impetus of the composition, played a substantial factor in this development. Thus Beethoven gives the soloist no opportunity whatsoever for free improvisation in his 5th piano concerto in which the cadenza becomes an integral, obligatory component of the complete work.
In this unique series, Schott Music International presents cadenzas created for well-known instrumental concertos from the Classical and Romantic periods by major composers and soloists of our time.'
Kane, T :: Cadenzas for Mozart's Flute Concerto in D Major, K. 314
Alry Publications and editor Trudy Kane present cadenzas for composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's Flute Concerto in D Major, K. 314.
Kane, T :: Cadenzas for Mozart's Flute Concerto in D-Major K. 314
Cadenzas for Mozart's Flute Concerto in D-Major K. 314
Kane, T
Kuhn, M :: Drei Kadenzen zu Mozarts Konzert C-dur KV 299 (297c) [Three Cadenzas to Mozart's Concerto in C major K. 299 (297c)]
Drei Kadenzen zu Mozarts Konzert C-dur KV 299 (297c) [Three Cadenzas to Mozart's Concerto in C major K. 299 (297c)]
Kuhn, M
Three Cadenzas to Mozart's Flute and Harp Concerto in C major K. 299 (297c)
Milan, S :: Cadenzas
Milan, S
Cadenzas for Mozart Concerto in G K313 and D K314 as well as the Andante in C.
Monroe, E :: Cadenzas for Mozart's Flute Concerto in D major
Cadenzas for Mozart's Flute Concerto in D major
Monroe, E
Pahud, E :: Kadenzen KV 313, KV 314, KV 315 [Cadenzas KV 313, KV 314, KV 315]
Kadenzen KV 313, KV 314, KV 315 [Cadenzas KV 313, KV 314, KV 315]
Pahud, E
In a concerto cadenza the soloist has the chance to apply free individual expression to the preceding musical themes. As a result, there are as many cadenzas for Mozart's flute concertos as there are flute players.
Emmanuel Pahud developed the cadenzas in this volume of The Flute Collection over his career. They are an invaluable gain for every flautist, especially as Mozart did not compose any cadenzas for these works.
Schaeffer, B :: Kadenzen und erganzungen zu Flotenkonzerten des 18. Jahrhunderts [Cadenzas and Additions to Flute Concertos of the 18th Century]
Kadenzen und erganzungen zu Flotenkonzerten des 18. Jahrhunderts [Cadenzas and Additions to Flute Concertos of the 18th Century]
Schaeffer, B